Safe Cycling E-book
The e-book, although aimed at new cyclists, contains advice that is just as valuable to an older cyclist who is returning to cycling after a break. All the information in the e-book will be covered during one of these courses, but has been produced as on online version for you to take a look at in case you forget.
All of the sections in the e-book are available to view online for FREE, use the links below to navigate to the specific sections of the e-book.

- Ch.1 Your Bike & Bike Security
- Ch.2 Cycle Maintenance
- Ch.3 Does Your Bike Fit You?
- Ch.4 Are You Ready to Ride?
- Ch.5 Signs & Markings
- Ch.6 Lights & Signals
- Ch.7 How to Use Your Gears
- Ch.8 Starting a Journey
- Ch.9 Road Positioning & Signalling
- Ch.10 Stopping, Overtaking & Side Roads
- Ch.11 Left & Right Hand Turning
- Ch.12 Crossroads (Level 3)
- Ch.13 Traffic Islands & Lights (Level 3)
- Ch.14 Roundabouts & Lane Change (Level 3)
- Ch.15 Riding in Groups, Routes & Facilities