Jersey Safe Roads

Jersey Signs, Lights and Road Markings

Road signs and markings are essential tools for guiding and regulating road users. This page provides an overview of the signs and markings found on Jersey’s roads, explaining their meanings to help ensure everyone can navigate safely and confidently.

Road Signage

The road signs below are commonly found across Jersey’s network, serving to guide, warn, and regulate road users effectively.

Red Circle Signs: Indicate prohibitions, specifying actions that road users must not do.

No Left Turn

No Right Turn

No Cycling

No Pedestrians

No Motor Vehicles

Give Priority to Traffic

No Left Turn

No Right Turn

No Left Turn

No Right Turn

No Cycling

No Cycling

No Pedestrians

No Motor Vehicles

Give Priority to Traffic

No Pedestrians

No Motor Vehicles

Give Priority to Traffic

Blue circle signs: Provide mandatory instructions, highlighting actions that road users must obey.

Turn Left

Keep Left

Continue Ahead Only (No Turning)

Turn Left

Keep Left

Continue Ahead Only (No Turning)

Mini Roundabout Ahead

Cycle Path

Segregated use for Cycles and Pedestrians

Turn Left

Keep Left

Continue Ahead Only (No Turning)

Mini Roundabout Ahead

Cycle Path

Segregated use for Cycles and Pedestrians

Mini Roundabout Ahead

Cycle Path

Segregated use for Cycles and Pedestrians

Red upward triangle signs: Serve as warning signs, alerting road users to potential hazards ahead.

Uneven Road

Steep Hill Downwards

Slippery Road

Roundabout Ahead

Road Works

Pedestrian Crossing

Warning Cyclists


Two-way Traffic

Left Road Narrows

Right Road Narrows

Road Narrows on Both Sides

Other shaped signs: Indicate specific rules or regulations that road users must obey.

Stop Sign

No Vehicles Except Bicycles being Pushed

No Through Road/ Dead End

No Entry

Give Way

Stop Sign

No Vehicles Except Bicycles being Pushed

No Through Road/ Dead End

No Entry

Give Way

Stop Sign

No Vehicles Except Bicycles being Pushed

No Through Road/ Dead End

No Entry

Give Way

Stop Sign

No Vehicles Except Bicycles being Pushed

Stop Sign

No Vehicles Except Bicycles being Pushed

No Through Road/ Dead End

No Entry

Give Way

Light Signals

The light signals below are used throughout Jersey to regulate traffic flow, ensure road safety, and provide clear instructions for all road users.

Red Light

Red means stop. Wait behind the stop line on the carriageway.

Green Light

Green means you may proceed only if the road is clear. Take extra care if you intend to turn left or right, and give way to pedestrians who are crossing.

Amber Light

Amber means stop at the stop line. You may proceed only if the amber light appears after you have crossed the stop line or if you are so close to it that stopping could cause a collision.

Green Arrow

A green arrow may be provided in addition to the full green signal to indicate that movement in a specific direction is allowed before or after the full green phase. If the way is clear, you may proceed, but only in the direction indicated by the arrow, regardless of any other lights showing. White light signals may also be provided for trams.

Red Light

Red means stop. Wait behind the stop line on the carriageway.

Green Light

Green means you may proceed only if the road is clear. Take extra care if you intend to turn left or right, and give way to pedestrians who are crossing.

Amber Light

Amber means stop at the stop line. You may proceed only if the amber light appears after you have crossed the stop line or if you are so close to it that stopping could cause a collision.

Green Arrow

A green arrow may be provided in addition to the full green signal to indicate that movement in a specific direction is allowed before or after the full green phase. If the way is clear, you may proceed, but only in the direction indicated by the arrow, regardless of any other lights showing. White light signals may also be provided for trams.

Road Markings

The road markings below are used throughout Jersey to enhance safety, provide guidance, and regulate traffic flow effectively.

Give way JSY

Give Way Line


Stop Line

Give way at a major roundabout

Give Way Line at a Roundabout

For more details, please refer to our page on Jersey’s Highway Code by clicking here.