Jersey Safe Roads

A new survey suggests that while almost two-thirds of drivers think “traffic is too fast for the safety of kids on foot and bikes” (64%), and “want action to make walking and cycling safer” (65%), many are not reducing their own speed.

The survey, published by Brake and Direct Line, recorded the view of 1,000 drivers from across the UK and has led to Brake calling for drivers to “slow down to 20mph around homes, shops and schools”.

The survey also shows that although drivers say they want safer streets, many are not reducing their speed. 63% of respondents admitted to driving at 35mph or faster in a 30 limit and 29% do this at least once a week; 67% explained they feel pressure from other drivers to go faster in built up areas, and 33% said they give in to this pressure to make them drive faster.

Julie Townsend, deputy chief executive of Brake, said: “While it’s important kids and young people receive road safety education, it’s crucial that drivers take on the ultimate responsibility for protecting children on foot and bike.

“Our research shows there’s a contradiction in what some drivers say they want and the way they behave at the wheel.

“As well as campaigning for Government and local authorities to do more to reduce speeds in communities to tackle pedestrian and cyclist casualties and create nicer places to live, we’re appealing to drivers everywhere to do their bit too.

“By slowing down to 20mph around homes, shops and schools, you’ll be helping to save lives, and enabling kids to walk and cycle more in their neighbourhoods.”


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